February 21-23, 2020 - Los Angeles Religious Education Congress

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Downloadable MP3: $11.00

Audio CD: $13.00 (Includes USPS Shipping in US)

Select Session To View:

2-01_Super Heroines and Heroes of Holiness and Mercy_Sr. Kathleen Bryant MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-03_Finding Forgiveness in the Family_Danielle Bean MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-04_Saint Mary In the Image and Likeness of the Father of Mercies_Prof. Gilberto Cavazos-Gonzalez MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-05_Martin Luther King Jr. What If He Were Still Alive Today?_Bishop Edward Braxton MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-06_The Power to Transform Your Parish_Rev. Jim Clarke MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-07_Effective Prayer with Children It's Easier Than You Think!_Steven Ellair MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-08_The Opioid Crisis What You Need to Understand_Amy Florian MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-09_Standing in Awe and Wonder and Praise The Transformative Power of Humble Thanks_Fr. Richard Fragomeni MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-10_Transformation from the Heart Why Your Encounter with Jesus Changes the World_Sr. Miriam Heidland MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-11_Ministry with Young People Through an Intercultural Perspective_Paul Jarzembowski MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-12_St. Paul as Organizer of Missionary Disciples_Rev. Felix Just MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-13_Death by Comic Strip - Laughing, Loving and Letting Go_Fr. Joe Kempf MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-15_Sing Mercy, Live Mercy, Be Holy_Michael Mangan MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-16_How to Keep Your Family Catholic and Happy Practical and Realistic Help for Families!_Rev. Leo Patalinghug MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-17_Burning Hearts Helping Teens Meet and Fall in Love with Jesus Christ_Katie Prejean McGrady MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-18_Do Not Aspire to Be Called Holy Before You Really Are! (St. Benedict)_Abbot Richard Purcell MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-19_Speak, Sing, Pray - Spirituality for Our Grade School Children_Christopher Walker MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-20_Accompanying LGBTQ Youth and Their Families_Greg Walton MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-21_Be Who You Are - Teaching Holiness_David Wells MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-22_Living Holy, Dancing the Living Spirit_John West MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-23_What Are They Saying About Women Deacons?_Dr. Phyllis Zagano MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-51_La compasion hace justicia Un llamado para todos los dias_Sr. Teresa Maya MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-52_Mas "mindfulness," menas estres y mayor bienestar_Dr. Marco Elias-Juarez MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-53_Hacia una espiritualidad aterrizada en la cultura de los jovenes_Ricardo Grzona MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-54_Escuchar con el corazon Introduccion a los cuatro niveles de la escucha_Sergio Lopez MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-55_"Sed perfectos como vuestro Padre celestial es perfecto" (Mt 5,38) - Jesus nos llama a la santidad_Rev. Sergio Ovando MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-56_Lectura del libro del Genesis 2,4: "Creados en santidad y justicia"_Prof. Felix Palazzi MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-57_Espiritualidad y mision profetica de las personas catequistas_Sr. Maria Romero MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-58_La ternura como canal de comunicacion desde el ministerio de Papa Francisco_Msgr. Lucio Ruiz MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-59_Formando discipulos misioneros llenos de misericordia y santidad_Victor Valenzuela MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00
2-70_Vietnamese Workshop (Growth in Holiness by the Divine Mercy)_Sr. Mary Nguyen MP3- $11.00 CD - $13.00

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